Farm For Sale in Choma Central


Web Ref No RL41241

Commercial Farm - Livingstone/Choma

This is a running farm with so much potential yet.
Due to its size and variety, it is an excellent opportunity for
avid farmers as well as different commercial developments.
Great strategic location,
Large piece of land - 3000 Ha
A total of
100 hectares (247.1000 acres) comprises centre pivot irrigated land;
600 hectares (1,482.6000 acres) comprises rain fed fields;
10 hectares (24.7100 acres) is land under vegetable gardening; 700 hectares (1,729.7000 acres) comprises pastures and paddocks;
50 hectares (123.5500 acres) was previously under a jatropha plantation but now grazing land;
30 hectares (74.1300 acres) under eucalyptus plantation while
5 hectares (12.3550 acres) is under pine, teak and mahogany plantation.
About 60 hectares (148.2600 acres) is estimated to be potential arable land for centre pivot irrigation while the remainder of 1,696.7113 hectares (4,192.5736 acres) comprises irrigation dams, uncultivated virgin land as well as marginal land including swamps and dambos;
Three phase ZESCO mains electricity supply is connected to the farms with three onsite transformers of various capacities. There is a 100 KVA standby diesel generator at the main farm house for use in case of power interruption at the property;
Water supply for domestic use is obtained from four boreholes fully equipped with submersible pumps and stored in an approximately 23 cubic metres steel storage tank mounted on a raised concrete platform positioned near the borehole house.
Water supply for the irrigation of the 100 hectares fields using four centre pivots mainly obtained from the 432,500 cubic metre capacity irrigation dam and stored in an approximately 4,800 cubic metres capacity irrigation reservoir. Three more dams with various capacities including 947,000, 146,400 and 56,700 cubic metres are also available at the property;
Sewage disposal from the main farm buildings and workers' houses is to 3 x 16 cubic metre capacity biogas digesters.
Waste from the kraal situated near the main storage shed is also disposed into a 50 cubic metre size biogas digester.
There are also pit latrines elsewhere;
Do contact me for appointments & more info.


Bedrooms 4
Security Yes
Bathrooms 2
Flatlet 1
Recep. Rooms 2
Dom. Accom. 1
Study 1
Garages 1
Carports/Parkings 1
Pool Yes
Pets Allowed Yes

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In association with Hamptons International Beyond your expectation